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Energy Saving And Climate Control For Greenhouses

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  • Publisher UKISN admin
    Author Dewanto Harjunowibowo
    Published Date 15 Mei 2024
    ISBN 9781838176778
    Category Monographs
    Address Universitas Sebelas Maret
    Description The research main aims is to provide a sustainable solution to the inherent problems of the greenhouses used in the protected cropping industry by proposing a low-cost energy saving and climate control system. This work started by reviewing the state of the art of the technologies that have been applied in greenhouses recently in order to achieve the desired and stable humidity, lighting, and temperature in the greenhouse. Various technologies are discussed in this review, including PV Modules, Heat Storage, Heat Pump, Lighting, Wind-catcher, and Insulation system. Some preliminary research including in the theoretical and simulations have been done to give clear result before building any system.